About news-polygraph
The aim of the AI research project is to develop a technology platform that uses artificial intelligence to identify targeted disinformation (“fake news”). To this end, “news-polygraph” combines various software tools for recognising manipulations of images, sound, videos and texts. The result is a networked range of digital tools for use against fake information or information taken out of context. “news-polygraph” was selected for funding by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the “RUBIN – Regional Entrepreneurial Alliances for Innovation” funding programme. Over the next three years, a total of ten partners from Berlin, Brandenburg and Thuringia will work together on research and development, including institutions from science, media, technology and business.
“news-polygraph” entered the implementation phase in May 2023.
Our first blog article “Artificial intelligence needs journalistic intuition – because it won’t work without it in the future!” has been published. In future, we will regularly publish blog articles on current topics from our alliance.
All fake? AI and media
Moritz Demming from the research alliance news-polygraph is a guest on the rbb podcast “KI – und jetzt? How we want to live with artificial intelligence”. In the episode “Everything fake? – Artificial intelligence and media (5)” from the 17th of November 2023, he talks together with the hosts ARD journalist Nadia Kailouli and scientist Aljoscha Burchardt about the cat and mouse game of AI-generated disinformation and the journalists who try to identify it.
You can find the episode in the ARD audio library here
Register now: Conference on Disinformation and Verification Technologies on 23.11.23 at the Haus des Rundfunks in Berlin
How can we stay ahead in the cat-and-mouse game of AI-based counterfeiting and verification technologies? The news-polygraph research alliance will address this question at its kick-off event on 23 November 2013.
Together with you, we will explore the tension between counterfeiting and detection and ask ourselves how to stay ahead in today’s cat and mouse game of AI-based fake and verification technologies.
We want to get to know your requirements, present our plans for the development of new tools and engage in dialogue with you. You can expect a curated day with expert presentations in German and English as well as discussions with relevant players such as dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH-Faktencheck, the ARD political magazine Kontraste, the Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg (mabb) and #Faktenfuchs from Bayerischer Rundfunk.
An AI lie detector for media content: What's fact and what's fake?
The planned digital “news-polygraph” tools will support the media industry by making it easier and quicker to check multimedia content for manipulation with the help of AI. In social media, deliberately placed false information has long been a well-known and widespread problem. However, it is not just the number of manipulated media that is increasing rapidly, the quality of fake content is also on the rise. So-called deepfakes, image, audio or video files manipulated with AI, increasingly look deceptively real, meaning that fakes can only be identified with great effort. In the future, “news-polygraph” will provide media professionals and other affected industries with reliable, time-saving and intuitive support in recognising false information.
In order to reliably recognise manipulated media content, the AI models must be “trained” by the disinformation experts. How well the training works is being tested in an initial pilot project in the field of journalism. Other areas of application are diverse and range from PR agencies to public institutions, insurance companies and investigative authorities.
Press release on posivitve expert opinion decision
#More information on the BMBF programme family “Innovation and structural change” and the project.
The partners
The reserach alliance consists of ten partnern, including five companies, three scientific partners and two user partners.
Crowdee GmbH
delphai by AtomLeap GmbH
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH
Deutsche Welle
Fraunhofer IDMT
neurocat GmbH
Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg
Technische Universität Berlin
transfermedia production services GmbH
Ubermetrics Technologies GmbH
If you have any queries, please contact:
Felix Briegel | Project coordination news-polygraph | info@news-polygraph.com | +49 331 721 21 76